Trip to NH Day 1
So we got into the car thursday night and headed to NH (sadly for a funeral). We took a quick pit stop at the Olive Garden in Langhorne PA to meet with some friends of my parents:
This is Dick, he's a hoot!

Judy is nice. I let her hold me in the restaraunt.

Apparantly, they taught mom and dad martial arts before they were married. (what's that mom? OHHHH, Pre-marital counseling, not martial arts at all. bummer)
ANYWAY. Back on the road. We got to NH at 4am. Even I don't like 4am! So we slept, then we visited.
DAY 1:
We bust Lexi from daycare early- ha ha run Lexi run!

Then we Go to the barn to meet Grammie's horsey.

OHHH Sagebrush is nice (I wasn't even scared!)

Goofing off with Lexi.

Hanging with my auntie Chrissy. She makes me laugh.

Awwww, all three grandkids, Lexi, Brucie and a cousin to be named later (in auntie's belly)

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