We recently had to buy Bruce a new car seat for the following reasons:
1. he was getting so big that he could almost tip forward and walk while wearing his current car seat as a backpack, 2. The car seat laws are such that children need to be in one until they are 15 and 200 lbs.

This is the beauty we bought him, because we are hoping they reduce the weight limit to 100lbs thereby making this seat useable until his 15th birthday. Notice its features. Its basically a lazy boy. It reclines, has arm rests and a cup holder, not to mention more padding than
my seat in the toyota.

Now, after reading the manual I broke out into a cold sweat, because if you don't do everything just so, there will be
death and
dismemberment involved. GREAT.
Step one, put child in seat and adjust all straps to fit him without cutting off blood flow.

Step 2, refer to manual and realize
death and dismemberment are bound to happen because the head rest is not properly adjusted to your child. when you adjust head rest, infant padding pillow becomes an obstacle to your child's comfort. So preceed to step three which is DISSASSEMBLING the seat to take off harness in order to remove infant head rest. Now try to Reassemble the seat. this takes 40 minutes. Put child back in seat, to see if adjustments are satisfactory.
Recieve the following facial expression:

Now that all adjustments are probably made, and D and D have been minimized, you are safe to try and put the car seat into the car.

Fantastic. I'm sure that will be a cinch!
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