Here is what I have been up to:
Playing with auntie Chrissy

Visiting with Uncle Alan and aunt Mary. They are fun!

Finally, they let me eat at
Chutes! MMM Blueberry muffin and sausage.And creamer....

Then I visited Mummi and Papa at their home. This is where daddy and mommy had wedding pictures done. cool.

Then my grandparents and mama and I went for a walk down to the lake. As soon as I saw the water I FLIPPED OUT. I tried to crawl out of my sling, I wanted to go in so badly. So mama let me dip my feet in. Big whoop, I wanted to swim! But eventually I was ok with it.

Then came some more treats:

While everyone else got ice cream (like Papa) I got Raspberry Sorbet! Its non dairy apparantely.

Man, its super yummy. I gobbled some down. Ahhh sweet refreshment.

On the way home I read my Tigger book.l I like to read this book to the boy in the mirror. We laugh at all the same parts, he and I.

This is a nice book. The best $0.50 grammie ever spent (thrift store find).
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