Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
New Cousin!!
ohhhh, ahhh, as of yesterday afternoon I have a brand new Cousin, Hannah Kate Bassett. Here is her daddy holding her (my uncle RJ)

Grampie getting his picture with the beautiful girl cousins!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Italian Market
Went to the Italian Market today to get MEAT. Here is my lovely Willow and her mama

We've done this before, when we were much smaller! (Click to see how much bigger we are!)
A week in review
After I was feeling better, we drove to Annapolis to visit new friends. They were visiting their parents. This is the view from the porch of the water...aahhh sweet relaxation


This is a cool antique rocker thingy. good times

On Saturday I "helped" mama write her Children's Church lesson. MMM yellow marker (just kidding, haven't figured out the cover...yet)