Stocking time!

the pez and thomas bubble wash discuss things

banging on the drum mama and daddy gave me last night at Uncle Rj's

trying to act pouty with my candy face (just hamming for the camera)

jammie time! ha ha

Helping mummi open presents

playing with my new batman and robin while dad tries to open my electronic drum sticks

dad gets a huge surprise when he opens an ipod nano from papa and mummi

sweet, a batman tractor trailer that stores my matchbox cars (of which I got a bunch more, largely batman or superman themed)

Then we went to the Chute family party about 5 minutes away. this is my great uncle Nate and great aunt Kelsey (makes them sound old, but clearly they're not)

great-uncle Steve cooked up a giant feast

cousins Gino and Ben

Labels: christmas, chutes, pj's, presents