We arrived in maine late late saturday. Mom keep saying we are going to live here for a while but I dont know what she is talking about. This is where Mummi and Papa live. Daddy arrived last night in the really really big yellow truck. It snowed yesterday, but today its raining, alot. Mama says we are unloading the big truck today, but so far I see no action on that front.
I'm already enjoying being spoiled by grandparents. Grammie drove with us from PA to ME. It was a loooooong ride, but I was really patient. I only burst into tears once, and then we stopped for yummy food, then I was an angel again for the last 3 or so hours, which basically meant I slept alot. Grammie played with me and spoiled me. Then I got to mummi and Papa's and they spoil me and play with me too.
I'm pretty fragile, all these long drives and being in a new place and having things in boxes. I was very confused in PA, and now things are a little hairy here. But there is good food and good company, so I will survive.
I'll keep you in the loop...