Saturday, September 03, 2005
Cloth Diaper Baby

So we recieved our first big bag of diaper service cloth diapers yesterday. I wasn't brave enough to try them yesterday, so I gave it a whirl today. He peed on the first one before i even could figure out the correct way to fold it and use the "snappi" device to hold it still.

Hmmm doesn't look secure.....or straight.

Look at my cute outfit my friend sammy lent me.

Whoops, look at my new onesie. Guess mom didn't do a great job with her first cloth diaper attempt.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Life according to Bruce
1. Sleep is of utmost importance. I even sleep when I nurse, so as to not waste valuable time doing just one or the other.
2. Pee and poo do not belong in the same diaper. I am a poop artiste. Once daddy has changed my pee diaper and walked back downstairs, I use my clean canvas to paint. This is especially amusing becasue then dad has to walk back upstairs and change me again. It is also fun to do to mom early in the morning when she is trying to change me fast so I might fall back to sleep. Fat chance mom.
3. When I am angry about being changed, I like to pee all over the place. Neither parent is good at covering me while they work, so I have sprayed on several occassions. This makes me feel better. And eventually they'll learn to cover all their bases when I'm on that changing table.
4. Sleep is important. None of this waking every 2 hours in the night business. I like a good 4-6 hour nap at nighttime. Even if this requires more waking during the day for eating. But no problem, I sleep while I eat.
5. In order to convince mother that I am STARVING, I must put both fists in my mouth and suck loudly. This accompanied with my famous paradactyl screech usually illicits a quick response. If I am awake enough, I add pleading eyes, licking my lips, and opening my mouth and latching on to anything near me. learn a lot of interesting things that way....
I think my milk supply must be laced with tryptophane, you know, the stuff in turkey that makes everyone so sleepy on t-day. Its not that Bruce falls asleep directly after feeding, that would be normal, its that, after beginning his meal, his eyes flutter, and he settles in for a little nurse-napping. Nurse-napping consists of eating and sleeping alternating each job while attatched to mom. Bruce is the master at this.
Also, he slept 6 hours in a row last night , ate and was changed and then slept 2 more hours. Not that I am complaining. 6 hours is pretty sweet.