Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Reading to my sister
The other day I insisted on reading to Lily to make her feel better. To my parent's surprise, it did!
See the pictures?
Labels: sibling love
Monday, August 27, 2007
Birthday party take 2
So I had ANOTHER 2cd birthday party at my NH grandparents' house. My life is so awesome. You may notice it was still a red sox theme, hey we go with what's awesome, and that's the Sox! One downside was we picked the HOTTEST day of the year for a party. ick.
My guests, rockin their sox gear:
Aunt Mary
Uncle RJ
cousin lexi- she was smart, just wear a bathing suit ;)
Grammie and grampie eating in the screen tent
Cousin Randy and great great aunt Barbie
great grampa Hanson and great uncle Wendell
Hannah being pretty
cousin Nate
Cousin Joellen and Grammie. it was hot. really hot. did we mention it was hot?
men folk are cooking, in the heat. good call mom, way to plan an august bbq
Dude it was HOOOOOOTTTTTT. This cold water is refreshing
I entertained everyone with my tee ball skillz
Present time, I was officially spoiled.
I really wanted to put on my new baseball shirt (which I forgot I pulled off the clearance rack at target and asked mama for!)
BATMAN HAT! Awesome!
And again, I wanted to put on my other new shirt, while daddy was changing me I yelled "I have a fat belly" HA!!
DUDE, a rolling batman backpack. Lexi rocks!
An ice cream cake, now THAT was a good idea mama
blow out the candle!