Baby Dedication
So I was dedicated at Church this Sunday. It was pretty cool, although I was busy making noises,dropping things and making people get them for me, and getting whacked in the head by my water bottle (via mom who was trying to get me to drink water and therefore be quiet while Daddy talked, it was an accident) and then throwing a crying fit. Some day relatives will receive a copy of this delightful event, in the meantime, here is a pictorial essay of my Sunday:
First of all: check out my awesome sweater vest and dress pants combo- STYLIN'

I began the day by rocking out on the drums.

Then logan and I tore apart the nursery while dad preached. That was awesome. We took turns running into things and falling. I got a little bump around my right eye, and mom was not entirely thrilled with me ....whooops

Here we all are, Sofia, Logan and I. Notice that Sofia is being quiet and sweet and everyone else is entertaining Logan and I. What can I say we're boys and there was a bunch of talking going on.

Mama trying to keep me amused

Mario Blanca and Sofia looking lovely.

Logan being awesome.

Daddy was not just a pastor, but also a client. He had to pull double duty.

Auntie Steph Uncle John and Logan taking in the moment

At the end we all got prayed for, this is Mike and Sue, they helped daddy with the dedication and said wise things to the parents. Mommy was busy calming me down from my earlier crying fit, so she mostly caught that it takes Patience and God to raise me. She may possibly have known that best right at that moment......

Overall it was a success. Babies were dedicated and good food and cake were eaten. and ice cream. mmmm potluck, cake and ice cream.....